Biblical Traditions for a Strong Family

Simple teaching tools
to help busy families experience
the authentic culture of Jesus and thrive!

Simka means "Joy" in Hebrew

In today's busy world, many Christians are seeking Godly ways to raise their families.

Simka makes it easy to leave a lasting legacy for your children. Experience the joy and rest found in the first-century customs and culture of Jesus.

Excellent biblical scholarship isn't our only priority. We care about you!

  • 10,000+ hours of academic research focused on first-century Christian customs
  • 20+ years of experience studying, teaching and leading educational tours in Israel 
  • 15+ years serving churches and businesses as an educator and executive life coach
  • 8+ years teaching university and seminary courses on the origins of Christianity 
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Now is the time to reclaim our full inheritance as Christians!

  • Order Your Shabbat Guide

    Learn about what is happening each week in biblical history!

  • Gather Around the Table

    Gather friends and family to create meaningful memories together.

  • Experience Joy and Rest

    Use simple brain science to open relational circuits and increase joy! 


Don't let another week pass you by.

Build lasting family traditions!

Timeless Traditions | Remarkable Relevance