Heaven is coming closer to earth. Proof is all around us, but one extraordinary anniversary this month is evidence that God is on the move, speeding up His promises.
Consider the land of Israel. Just 150 years ago Mark Twain described the land as “desolate and unlovely,” with nothing to “cheer the eye.” Step back another thousand years and Ezekiel gives a similar review. The land was ravaged and crushed from every side, owned by other nations and the object of malicious slander (Ezekiel 36:3).
Then things began to change. Through Ezekiel, God spoke to the deserted towns calling them to be fruitful, prosperous and filled with God’s people and animals (verse Ezekiel 36:4-12). He declared to Israel’s mountains and valleys telling them to produce fruit. The Lord started to gather His people from the corners of the earth, “ … and bring them back into their own land … on the mountains of Israel” (Ezekiel 37:21,22). Women of ripe old age would gather while boys and girls played in the streets of Jerusalem according to Zechariah (Zechariah 8:4,5).
Within 80 years of Mark Twain’s lifetime, the promises of God started speeding up. Israel become a nation in a day, with a U.N. vote on May 14, 1948, just like God said it would (Isaiah 66:8). Who ever heard of such a thing? Now, the Land is flourishing and on Shabbat, children play while the elderly gather to talk. The “apple of God’s eye”, His “inheritance,” where the Word of the Lord first went forth, is once again a blessing on the earth.
Is everything perfect? Of course not. The story isn’t done yet. Meanwhile, the hope of Israel is hope for the world … for you and me. Heaven is coming close to earth in our lifetime. The gifts of God are alive in you so you can be fruitful and prosperous. You are part of His plan. Join us this month as we celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary!
This month, Israel marks its 75th Independence Day, recognizing over 4,000 years of history as a resilient people who have persevered. Today we stand with our partners and 1 Million believers in the Isaiah 62 Fast. Click here for more information and join us!
In February, we planted trees to bless Israel and take part in the promises of God. Simka Global's bespoke itinerary and small group size creates memories that last a lifetime. Israel, Jordan and Turkey. Space is limited. Find tour information and availability here.