Pentecost (Shavuot)
The 50th day festival—celebrated since the time of Moses—was later given the name "Pentecost" in Greek: Pentekoste (πεντηκοστη).
In 2025, Pentecost (Shavuot) begins at sundown on Saturday, June 7 and ends June 8 after sunset.
When the disciples waited in the Upper Room (Acts 2), did you know they had been counting—day by day, week by week—in anticipation of a major harvest holiday called Shavuot?
Providentially, in the year Jesus died, God sent the Holy Spirit on this exact day, preciscely 50 days after Resurrection Sunday.
To learn more about first-century traditions and how you can celebrate together with friends and family, join the Simka Circle!

Shavuot (pronounced “Shah-voo-OAT”)
This Spring harvest-time party, called Shavuot (Hebrew for “weeks”), is when the firstfruits of the harvest were brought to the Temple with thanksgiving for God’s provision.
Renamed Pentecost by the Greeks, this is one of three annual invitations from God to meet with Him face-to-face in Jerusalem. In Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room, this face-to-face encounter was made manifest.
(Leviticus 23:17-21; Acts 2)

Feast of Harvest
Pentecost (Shavuot) was the harvest festival celebrated by bringing the first and best fruits of the season to the Temple in Jerusalem, along with two loaves of bread made from freshly ground flour. Jesus is the Bread of Life.
Because it comes after counting seven weeks, Shavuot is sometimes called the Feast of Weeks (Hag Shavuot). It’s also called the Feast of Harvest (Hag HaKatzir) because it comes at the end of the barley harvest and beginning of the wheat harvest.
Pentecost (Shavuot) in 2026, 2027, 2028 & 2029
- 2026: May 23-24 (sunset to sunset)
- 2027: June 12-13 (sunset to sunset)
- 2028: June 3-4 (sunset to sunset)
- 2029: May 26-27 (sunset to sunset)
Note: Biblical calendar dates begin at sundown and lasts until sundown the next day. Pentecost, or the Feast of Weeks, begins 49 days (or 7 weeks) after the Day of First Fruits.

Spring Festivals
Every Spring, over 50 days—bookended by two big parties—fill the calendar with reasons to celebrate.
Special days of God's choosing come with an opportunity to say yes to His invitation and join together in celebration!