Join the Simka Circle

On-Demand Courses & Community for Activated Christians

  • Join the Simka Circle

  • Download the Circle App

  • Grow in Community

Academic teachings often feel dry, boring or overly complicated. Sadly, people shy away from hard biblical topics because of complexity. Even worse, misinterpretations can lead people astray. 

That's why Simka Circle exists. We believe everyone deserves clarity and no one should have to stay in the dark or figure it out alone.

Simka Circle is a safe, private community that makes it simple to learn about our faith connection to Israel, get in rhythm with God's prophetic calendar & build meaningful relationships.

It's never been easier to create weekly habits that inspire faith, build resilience and bring joy home.

Simka Endorsements

These international organizations recommended Simka Resources in 2024.

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Gather round. Get inspired.

  • Biblical Calendar

    Stay in sync with the weekly, monthly and seasonal traditions of Jesus so you walk in a deeper understanding of God’s word.

  • Weekly Teachings

    Explore how rest (Shabbat) can refresh your week and encourage friends and family as you gather around the table and learn about each week in biblical history.

  • Monthly Live Stream

    Join Dr. Gayle on the first day of each biblical month (Rosh Chodesh) to learn how the biblical calendar affects you, your family, your business and virtually every aspect of your life. 

  • Seasonal Celebrations

    Learn how New Testament celebrations, biblical feasts and “appointed days of the Lord” (Moedim) deepen our faith so you can experience a more intimate relationship with Jesus. 

  • On-Demand Courses

    Get equipped with expert training from renowned scholars who make it easy to gain accurate understanding about biblical Israel so you can level up your study. 

  • Like-Minded Community

    Join fellow Christians who care about the truth. There’s little more rewarding than sharing life with like-minded believers passionate to learn more.

Simka Circle is a safe, private community where we can talk openly about biblical Israel and why it matters to Christians today. 

  • Join the Simka Circle

    Get access to tools and training from experts that accelerate your faith connection to Israel.

  • Download the Circle App

    Enjoy state-of-the-art technology to make learning a breeze, accessible by phone or computer.

  • Grow in Community

    Gather online with like-minded believers, ask questions and build meaningful relationships.

Don't miss out on the traditions that shaped the life of Jesus and the pages of the New Testament.