The Fall Festivals
Every Autumn, important dates on the Biblical calendar remind us why our cultural inheritance matters today!
Appointed Days in the Fall
— Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)
— Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
— Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Tishrei 1
Feast of Trumpets
Yom Teruah (“yom teh-roo-AH”) in Hebrew, literally means a day of blasting or cheering. While the purpose of the feast may be somewhat obscure, the intention behind the trumpet blast is captured in Psalm 47:2, “Shout to the Lord with a loud voice!”
A call to alertness and repentance combines with rejoicing and thanksgiving. While not the start of the biblical year according to Exodus 12:2, this is Israel’s civil new year, widely known today as “Rosh Hashana,” meaning head of the year.

Tishrei 10
Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur (“yom kih-POOR”), addresses the problem of sin which separates us from God. “Kippur” comes from the word “covering”, like the covering over the ark in the Temple, and is parallel to the word “redeem” (Psalm 49:7). Before the Temple was destroyed, sacrifices provided a “covering” for sin.
By offering Himself as a substitute, Jesus literally removed the separation. He redeemed us once for all: for all sins, for all time, for all people. Now we’re His heirs.

Tishrei 15-21
Feast of Tabernacles
Sukkot (“suh-KOT”) in Hebrew, means “booths” or “huts”. This seven-day feast starts a new agricultural season and ends with prayers for rain. Rain means life. As one of the three pilgrimage festivals, Sukkot focuses on God’s closeness to the Israelites in the desert. Everyone, including gentiles, are invited to the feast (Zechariah 14:16-17).
The celebratory use of the “four species” (date palm frond, myrtle branch, citron, and willow branch) are as common now as in the time of Jesus when He used this feast to make His debut through two bold declarations about Himself (John 7,8).

Spring Festivals
Every Spring, over 50 days—bookended by two big parties—fill the calendar with reasons to celebrate.
Special days of God's choosing come with an opportunity to say yes to His invitation and join together in celebration!