Passover (Pesach)

Celebrated since the time of Moses, Passover is an annual celebration rooted in the Exodus and fulfilled on the Cross!

In 2025, Passover (Pesach) begins at sundown on Saturday, April 12 and ends the following evening, April 13, after sunset.

Many Christians have forgotten our connection to a defining moment in Biblical history that foreshadowed the sacrifice of God's Son.

Did you know Jesus' Last Supper was a Passover Dinner?

The Passover dinner was celebrated annually for more than a thousand years before Jesus. Now, it unlocks new revelation about what it means to be a Christian.

Simka makes it easy for you to celebrate Passsover!

An Introduction for Christians

It's never been easier to learn about Passover!

  • A Brief Introduction & Relevance Today
  • How to Host a Dinner
  • Food Preparation & Table Decor
  • Preparing Your Guests & Children

Discover this and more in PASSOVER FOR BEGINNERS TODAY.

Get Your Free Download

The Passover Lamb

Just as the Passover Lamb’s blood rescued the Hebrew people from slavery, Jesus’ blood saves us from the slavery of our sin.

Knowing that Jesus was the fullfillment of the festival, Paul exclaimed, “For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Feast…”

(1 Corinthians 5:7-8).

The Passover Feast

For Jews, the Passover Dinner (Seder) marks the journey of ancient Hebrews from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land as told in the book of Exodus.

For Christians, the Passover Dinner is the time we recall Jesus' Last Supper just before His crucifixion as recorded in the Gospels.

The Passover Guide

Join the Simka Circle and get a step-by-step Dinner Guide (Haggadah) for Passover so you can celebrate at home with friends and family.

It's never been easier to celebrate the Feast!

Celebrate at Home

Passover Dates in 2026, 2027, 2028 & 2029

  • Passover 2026: April 1-2 (sunset to sunset)
  • Passover 2027: April 21-22 (sunset to sunset)
  • Passover 2028: April 10-11 (sunset to sunset)
  • Passover 2029: March 30-31 (sunset to sunset)

Note: Biblical calendar dates begin at sundown on the dates listed. The following day begins the first full day of the holiday. The Passover Seder is held on the evening [after nightfall] of the first date listed.

Spring Festivals

Every Spring, over 50 days—bookended by two big parties—fill the calendar with reasons to celebrate. 

Special days of God's choosing come with an opportunity to say yes to His invitation and join together in celebration!

Explore Them All

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Calendar, Courses & Community for Activated Christians